Senstitivty Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

Presented by Adam Jacobs, Chief Technology Officer

MassMEDIC Webinar Recording

In complex systems, how do you know what matters and what doesn’t relative to system performance? During the design process, it’s important to prioritize what needs to be addressed, and what can be deferred. When things aren’t working, it’s imperative to know where resources should be allocated and what to look at.

Sensitivity Analysis is a powerful tool that fosters a deep understanding of the root causes of performance issues through exploratory quantification of cause and effect. In this presentation, Adam Jacobs, CTO of Sunrise Labs shares methods and techniques that allow organizations, scientists, and engineers to clarify issues, make robust designs and debug thorny anomalies.

General principles are presented along with concrete examples.

Listen to the webinar recording to learn how useful and compelling sensitivity analysis can be for your organization.

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