MassMEDIC Virtual Networking & Leadership Forum Recording
The mission of the MassMedic Women in MedTech Networking and Leadership Forum is to provide networking opportunities that inspire, engage, mentor, and connect women at every stage of their professional career and from all areas of the New England MedTech ecosystem. The Forum convenes a series of events featuring speakers and panels discussing the issues, challenges, and opportunities for women in the MedTech industry. Each event will also include structured networking time to enable attendees to make new connections.
In this episode, we hear from Nancy Wogrin Confrey, former CEO of Health Beacons, and Dr. Angelique Johnson, CEO/founder of MEMStim LLC will share their experiences navigating the world of medical technology.

The Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (MassMEDIC) represents the thriving health technology sector in Massachusetts and New England, representing more than 300 MedTech companies. Through advocacy, events, mentoring networks, and matchmaking, MassMEDIC is the engine of one of the most powerful life sciences clusters in the world. Join MassMEDIC to get access to events like this and many more benefits.